Contrary to popular belief grooves do not put spin on the golf ball when you strike it. It is a clean face and loft that puts spin on the ball but it is the clean grooves that help make the face clean when you strike the ball. When you strike the golf ball, grass, dirt, […]
Monthly Archives: August 2014
According to Rule 27-1 from the USGA you have five minutes to search for your ball. This time starts from when you actually start searching for the ball. If you do not find the ball within five minutes the ball is lost whether you find it after the five minutes or not. You must play a […]
Baseball Grip/Ten-Finger Grip This grip is when you grip the golf club with the top hand index finger and bottom hand pinky finger are side by side touching each other. This grip is recommended for people with weak hands and wrists. It gives your hands the most freedom to turn the club over. Interlocking Grip […]